Friday, January 9, 2009

The Office

I've decided to make an addition to my cubicle: a Velcro wall complete with felt versions of inclement weather I can put up to reflect my increasingly bad moods.

Also, I've decided to install a vault at home where I will keep my jack in the box on a pedestal with a spotlight.

That will only be funny to one of the three people who read my blog.

Ok on to the actual point of this blog....What does upper management do????

1) Come up with ridiculous projects such as "vision boarding". Don't mistake our 2 o'clock meeting for an overgrown Pre-K class ready for their nap...Outlook calendar requests have actually been sent out and plans were made in advance to cut pictures out of magazines and put them on poster boards to represent personal and "professional" goals.

Aside: I walked in an hour late to work since I am potentially dying of a sinus infection...or a disease where mucus overtakes my that cystic fibrosis? Great. Can you tell I'm a hypochondriac?

Anyways, I walk in and my superior is carrying a multitude of poster board for this glorious project we have been hearing about for a week now. It's actually happening.

2) Ridiculous things like this: My boss's boss is a woman who sends out a couple of hard-hitting business-minded emails sporadically throughout the month. One such email is birthdays and anniversaries in the office! It includes some sad formatting to let us know that Gerald is 52 and there are no anniversaries of anyone working here because everyone quits or gets fired. Secondly, I receive a semi-weekly document on Leadership. Last week was "Week #17". This week is "Week #9". Regardless each week there is some document in my inbox on "leadership" this person has dedicated themselves to trolling the Internet for.

What a waste of time.