Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Morning Ponderings

First of all, any place of employment that includes a diner that will prepare you a breakfast taco in the morning is all right in my book.

Secondly, my stomach may not be rumbling, but the wheels are turning...
The main reason for this post is I have a fear I need to discuss. Why, you ask, might a 23-year-old, fun-loving girl such as myself have any fears? Oh I don't know maybe because, as a someecard so wonderfully sums up:

It's a nagging fear really. Like the drone of a mosquito or fly reverberating in my ear. It only comes into my mind when I hear about another break-up of one of my friend's or I start having arguments with guys I just started hanging out with or I realize I haven't had a boyfriend in forever. Sure I'm young, but I can't help but envision myself following in my crazy aunt's footsteps and never getting married.

This morning I had the following conversation with my friend:

me: so im not getting married till im 40
anonymous: whatev
me: im serious
anonymous:that's depressing
me: i know!!!
anonymous: so are you going to sperm bank for kiddos
me: hahaha
oh yeah
im worried im going to end up like my crazy aunt
who never got married
and i'll just have lots of pets and be everyone else's crazy aunt
that would suck
anonymous: hahahah
that won't happen!
me: i need not have a self-fulfilling prophecy
lets hope not

It was my way of counseling her on her break-up. But in the process it looks like I put my fear into words. I'm. Scared.

To combat the drone of this fear, I'll swat it away with some words of wisdom from my best friend's mom. You see I passed on the aforementioned sommecard in an email to my friend Bons. Subject: so true. She forwarded it to her Mom who responded with the following:

"So sad---and hopefully---not true!! You all simply have not found the right relationship. When you do that one will be successful the ones in the past are simply to get you in shape/ready for the real and right one. So you can identify and be appreciative. If it came easy you wouldn't know the right one! All in good time......Love, Mom"

I'll let this obnoxious mosquito of an idea get away...for now.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sweaty Strawberry

1)I ate a strawerry this morning that I swear to you tasted like sweat. It was disgusting.
2)My brain is not functioning.
3)The guy that sits two cubicles down looks exactly like Dracula. Where is his cape with a collar? Seriously.
4)I have never been so bored. I think my mild internet addiction has been cured by days spent aimlessly roaming Facebook and gchat.

5) I work with a girl named Jenny and I have to fight the urge to say it like Forrest Gump. JENN-AY.
6) I should not drink knob creek on the rocks.
7) I officially broke one of my toes.