Friday, November 7, 2008

Sweaty Strawberry

1)I ate a strawerry this morning that I swear to you tasted like sweat. It was disgusting.
2)My brain is not functioning.
3)The guy that sits two cubicles down looks exactly like Dracula. Where is his cape with a collar? Seriously.
4)I have never been so bored. I think my mild internet addiction has been cured by days spent aimlessly roaming Facebook and gchat.

5) I work with a girl named Jenny and I have to fight the urge to say it like Forrest Gump. JENN-AY.
6) I should not drink knob creek on the rocks.
7) I officially broke one of my toes.


  1. hahaha, i love it. good to see the new job is being put to good use. do you want some waffles for your sweaty strawberries? that's disgusting.

  2. also make sure you go to the dr. for that broken toe so he can make it feel worse than it already does...
