Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

My friend looks exactly like Sarah Palin. I'm just saying.

My cousin is having a baby at the end of November. This excites me greatly. Except for the fact that she will technically be my second cousin. That is boring and not nearly exciting as having a niece, which is what I will consider her.

I CANNOT get ready in the morning/get to work on time. Seriously. I have to be here at 8 am and I woke up at 6:30 am, showered, dressed, made coffee and my lunch and it was 7:50 am. You may wonder, was I moving in slow motion? I myself am curious. As soon as I left my apartment, I successfully spilled coffee everywhere. But it was an especially talented moment, as I pulled off a sloshing-while-turning maneuver causing me to try and stand up while driving to avoid sitting in a pool of wasted caffeine. At least I'm wearing brown pants. I then missed my exit and in the process found a way to avoid traffic lights completely during my 2 mile commute. So I guess it worked out. Except for the fact that my hair was still wet and un-brushed, I was wearing no make up and I cannot compete with the perfect girl who has a different designer suit every day. My supervisor even made some comment under her breath about a hairdryer. Guess I will have to start getting up at 6 am to get to work by 8 am. Ridiculous.

I don't really have anything to do at my new reasonably paying job. But surely that will change. I have to remember this isn't like my past "work." As an intern(society's excuse for indentured servitude), Day 1 they throw work at you. Piles and piles of work. They can't wait for you start they have so much work for you. Day 1 of my last torture session, I mean, internship, I was there until 8 pm. Are you joking? I should have quit right then. Lucky for you I now have the time to tell you all about my life as it is today: A fly is buzzing around the office, I keep having loud sneezing outbursts and I accidentally just printed all my personal conversations to the community printer. Amazing. Good thing I noticed.

On another note...(and keeping with the spirit of Halloween)...

Part 2
I have a bone to pick with scientists.

I have a mysterious chest cramp and an equally mysterious rash. I realize this sounds bad, but my point is doctors don't understand A LOT of things. Suuure you can tell me about cellular respiration(or does that only happen in plants?) and you can make a cat glow in the dark, but you can't cure the common cold, or get rid of my sketchy rash. Figure it out.

If you need more unofficial proof on the subject, here you go: Regarding feet, you can't do anything for a broken toe or a sprained ankle and anyone I know who has had surgery on their feet ends up in worse pain than before. Also, I've had the beginnings of what appears to be an ingrown toenail for several years now and I can't help fearing it's going to get infected and I'm going to end up toeless. (That actually happened to someone I've met before and I saw the knub in all it's glory resting on a flip flop. [I feel additional paratheses are required to reenforce that yes, she was wearing flip flops.])

I kind of want a pet pig, preferably one with a heart shaped spot.(See video).

But I have some terms. I want it to stay a piglet. Can we pleaaase figure out how to stop aging or at least slow it down? But just in cute domesticated species. God knows we shouldn't open that can of worms in humanity, and what would that do to the cosmetic surgery industry? Please.

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